The Board of Directors and membership of the Throckmorton Chamber of Commerce come together to say a huge “Thank You” to all those who helped with Pioneer Day. So many volunteers stepped forward to cook, serve and help with the events of Pioneer Day. The board has a great group of doers, with the help of their family, friends and community members the Breakfast, Lunch, Parade, Races, Storytelling and the GT Ranch Rodeo, the day was very successful. You all were very much appreciated! Special thanks to the sponsors this year again we could not have done it without you. To the Thompsons, thank your for your homegrown foods. We appreciate you ALL sharing so we could once again bring the best of the best to a Throckmorton County Event. Thank you to the Race Chairman Brady Ash, 42 Tournament Chair Sandra Redwine, and Parade Chair Gail Fowler. To Sheriff Wigington and deputies, Throckmorton and Woodson Volunteer Fire Departments and the EMS, being there to block off the highway and watching over those attending including entries in the parade. "Thank you” your service to our communities never goes unnoticed.
Special thank you to those who help with the Downtown Arena. Donnell Brown, Robert Collins, Ty Fox, Mr. Delaney & FFA Students, Rudy & Oci Luna for the Goats, to John & Joy Martin for allowing us to use their lot and Ricky & Brenda Rankin for being sure it was mowed.
The following businesses and individual’s shared with this community monetarily.
First State Bank
Senior Citizens
Pump Supply
First Choice Fab
Making Ends Meet
Handyman Supply
Woodson Grocery Store
Hometown Hardware
Jones Trailer. Co
BJB Transport
Kathy Thorp
Mitchell Farms
TC Redwine Services
Hortenstine Ranch Co
Bullard Leather
Crawdad Creek Ranch Services
Scarlett Butane
Todd & Marianne McCartney
Jody & Betsy Bellah
Overflow OutPost
Throckmorton Abstract Office
Cow Country Fuel
Batchler Manufacturing
Down on the Creek
2 Diamond W Ranch
T-Anchor Ranch
R.A. Brown Ranch
Bar W Ranch
Turn Key Services/Barnes Ranch
Rob A Brown Ranches
Definitely it takes a Village to bring fun times to enjoy their community. We will see you all next year and once again Thank You from Throckmorton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors: Jack Fauntleroy, Shawna Long, Michelle Clark, Linda Evans, Ty Fox, Sylvia Contreas, T-Anchor Ranch, Mike Clark, Jon Webb, and Brigette Caruthers